تحميل Android Things Toolkit للاندرويد


Google LLC
27 يوليو 2018
4.4 والأحدث
تحميل من جوجل بلاي
Google Play

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[This app is for Android Things developers who have Android Things kits or a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B development board. Visit http://androidthings.withgoogle.com/kits/ to learn more about purchasing options.]

If you are a developer interested in building Internet of Things (IoT) devices, you can easily get started with Android Things kits and the Toolkit app. This app helps you assemble and test your kit in four easy steps.

01 Assemble your kit using step-by-step instructions.
02 Connect your device to a Wi-Fi network.
03 Test hardware peripherals to make sure all parts are working.
04 Run Android Things sample apps to get inspired.

What is Android Things?
Android Things is a secure, flexible platform for building IoT products. In addition to regular security updates from Google, developers can easily integrate their connected devices with popular Google APIs and services, such as the Google Assistant, Google Cloud, and TensorFlow. Make your device move, sense, and speak by using new APIs to control hardware peripherals, such as motors and sensors.

To learn more about Android Things, visit http://developer.android.com/things.
For questions, reach out to Google's IoT Developer Community: http://g.co/iotdev.

يمكنك الآن تحميل Android Things Toolkit ِAPK للاندرويد من دارويد بلاي .

ما هو الجديد

• Raspberry Pi 3 Model B support - Once your board is flashed, set up your board using step-by-step instructions, connect your board to Wi-Fi and view, run and stop Android Things sample apps or your own sideloaded apps.
• Bug fixes and improvements.


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